2024 – 2025 Annual Appeal | Har Zion Temple
2024 – 2025 Annual Appeal

2024 – 2025 Annual Appeal

In Har Zion’s Centennial Year we are thriving,
but we need your support.

Help us offset these special 24-25 expenses with a donation. 

Centennial Celebrations | $200,000

Our Centennial Celebrations will be fitting for the pride we all feel for Har Zion. We have set a budget of over $200,000 for all of the incredible festivities before us including, but not limited to, the recent Installation of Cantor Herman, a Birthday Bash in the fall, our Guest Scholar weekend in February with Rabbi David Wolpe and his brothers, along with a culminating 100th Anniversary Celebration in the spring. This is a once in a century opportunity and, to the extent possible, we want these events to be open to the congregation free of charge.

Marketing Department | $150,000

Consistent with our strategic map, we are expanding our staff with a new Marketing Director, enhancing our digital marketing infrastructure, and creating a new website. The Marketing Department, under the director’s leadership, is tasked with upgrading our strategic communications and public relations efforts both within the congregation and in the broader community. This entire initiative is budgeted at $150,000 this year.

Facility Enhancements | $150,000

Our facility is aging and evolving. We have built new playgrounds and the pavilion, but many systems need substantial renovation. Our emergency generator supplies energy for critical systems during power outages, but it is nearing the end of its useful life – a new generator which complies with current standards will cost $25,000. Our phone and voicemail systems are also aging, and will cost tens of thousands of dollars when we need to replace them. This summer we will be replacing the partition wall at the back of the sanctuary – a project that will cost over $150,000.

Please consider an increased contribution to help offset these expenses so that Har Zion Temple can continue to provide the highest level services and programs for our community.

Contributions at these levels will be recognized on the High Holy Days.
This contribution combines Dues, Yom Kippur Appeal, and Annual Fundraiser.

$50,000 Tekiah Gedolah
$25,000 Torah
$18,000 Book of Life

$10,000 Pomegranate
$7,200 Shanah Tovah
$5,000 Apples & Honey

Thank you for participating and keeping our community healthy & strong!

For questions or payment methods other than checks, please contact:
Gavi Miller, Executive Director | 610-667-5000 x 105 | gmiller@harziontemple.org


Sunday @ 9 AM
Weekdays @ 7:15 AM

Sunday – Friday evening minyanim @ 6 PM

For Shabbat, Rosh Hodesh and holiday times, please check our calendar.

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