High Holidays 5785 – 2024 | Har Zion Temple
High Holidays 5785 – 2024

High Holidays 5785 – 2024

Remember: If you’re not feeling 100% healthy, please stay home and participate in services on-line.

Everyone coming to services should consider wearing a mask for your safety and the safety of everyone else.

Video links for:

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 morning – Friday, October 4

Kol Nidre – Friday, October 11

Yom Kippur – Saturday, October 12

Click here for a PDF of the complete service schedule

Click here for the online Book of Remembrance
Mahzors can be picked up in the Har Zion office 9-4 Monday-Friday.

General Ticket Information:

Tickets were mailed on September 19.  There should be one ticket for each adult member over age 24, a ticket for everyone who requested guest/reciprocal tickets, and tickets for all children in the family between the ages of 18 and 24.  Tickets are not required for children under 18.  If you have a problem or question about tickets, please call the Har Zion office immediately at 610-667-5000.

During the High Holidays, there will be security at the doors checking tickets of all adults entering the building.  Please make sure to have your tickets ready to show security when you approach the doors.

This year, like last year, we did not require every congregant to have a reserved seat.  You will notice when you arrive in the expanded sanctuary that all seats will be clearly marked to distinguish between reserved and unreserved seats.  Those congregants who paid to reserve seats will have their seat information printed on their tickets.  Everyone is welcome to sit on a first‑come, first‑served basis in any seats marked unreserved.  If your tickets do not have reserved seats listed but you want reserved seats, or if your tickets show reserved seats but you don’t want to pay for them, please contact Emily Berton at 610‑667‑5000 x109 or eberton@harziontemple.org and we’ll be happy to take care of it.

Health and Safety

We remind everyone to please stay home if you’re not feeling 100% healthy.  We also remind everyone of the CDC guidance that wearing a high-quality mask along with vaccination, self-testing, and physical distancing, helps protect you and others by reducing the chance of spreading COVID-19.

We also remind everyone to be respectful of the choices of others when it comes to social distancing and masking.

This year, we are setting up the full seating for over 2,000 people in the expanded sanctuary, even though we assume that some people will be watching online rather than attending in person.  We hope the full seating will allow everyone who comes in-person to sit as close or as far away from others as they feel comfortable.

You’ll notice if you come to services at Har Zion that we have a significant presence of Lower Merion Township Police as in years past.

If you’re comfortable coming to Har Zion for the holidays, we’re looking forward to seeing you in person.  With everyone’s cooperation, we are hoping to celebrate a happy, healthy and safe High Holiday season.


Sunday @ 9 AM
Weekdays @ 7:15 AM

Sunday – Friday evening minyanim @ 6 PM

For Shabbat, Rosh Hodesh and holiday times, please check our calendar.

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